After the sovereign debt crisis, the austerity responses of the powerful northern member states with its devastating results for the southern member states, the European Union finds itself confronted with old and new crisis of defining its future.
The European narrative though remains hidden under thick layers of Eurosceptic discourses, and does not provide for a straightforward paved path. Communicating the European vision is all but disrupted between the European elites and the recipients in the member states. Populist parties across Europe hail the death of the European vision. Once more, we find ourselves at crossroads. We need to choose wisely. The current cacophony of narratives of disengagement and isolationism, exemplified by the outcome of the Brexit referendum, seems to put the final dismissive stamp on a peaceful, prosperous and united Europe. It becomes clear that Europe needs a moment of reflection, and take stock of the available paths ahead in the search for a vision that could lead the way.
The aim of this conference, however, is not simply to contribute to this cacophony of voices, or to dwell on constructed narratives that lack substance and remain vague. This conference seeks to identify the reality of the European project as it is lived and perceived and sometimes feared by European citizens.
Join our founder and director Laura M. Pana who will share the results of the social impact research she conducted in 2016 in the Netherlands about how to co-create new spaces of encounter where new ways of communication that challenge official narratives can emerge in times of European crisis?
The participation to the conference is free. More details about the programme can be found here